School Assembly
On Friday we had an assembly in the hall presenting awards to boys in the school who have missed little to no days. If you missed 2 days, you got a bronze certificate, 1 day absent you got a silver certificate and for full attendance you got a gold award.
The pupils who got a bronze award were Seanie O’Neill and Tommy Haigh (1st), Aidan O’ Driscoll (2nd) and Dylan O’Grady (3rd).
The silver award went to Kevin Cronin (1st) and Eryk Skrzypiec (5th).
Nevan O’Callaghan (5th) and Michael Walsh (1st) got Gold awards.
The Amber Committee also gave the school no homework for 2 weeks and we welcomed new pupils to school.
Ólan Courtney & Ruairí Ward 6th Class